Have you heard about safe places? ‘Safe Places’ is the new name for debating chambers, where debate is forbidden! Yes, that’s right, debating chambers where debate is forbidden!
You see, a safe place is where like minds can safely meet, where nothing that is controversial or might offend or affront anyone present, is allowed - the diametrical opposite of debate.
And who is doing this? Evidently a collective of feminists, gays, metro-liberals and Moslems – and they've already taken control of debating in many of our universities
And who is doing this? Evidently a collective of feminists, gays, metro-liberals and Moslems – and they've already taken control of debating in many of our universities
And they have a second target; white males! Yes, white men as a category are being singled out for punishment because not only did they build the Western world as we know it; the richest, most cosmopolitan, most diverse and advanced society on the planet, but they had the cheek to build it in their own image - which is a bit like blaming an Eskimo for building an igloo to survive a minus sixty Arctic winter rather than demonstrate his essential multiculturalism with transgender lavatories, tattoo parlours and HIV clinics.